This is the most frequently asked question. We wish we could give you a price tag that says exactly what each video costs, every time. But we are not making a formulated product, which we can replicate every time. Every project comes with a specific action and limitations, and we surely can suggest the best solution for it.
We suggest you broadly figure out the type of video you are interested in making along with the budget. We will provide you with the ideas and treatments that stay within the budget range.
Additionally, we are transparent in our budget breakdowns and would be sharing it with you so that you have clarity on how the monies are being spent.
This is our second most frequently asked question. Based on our experience, from the start of an idea to the delivery of the final product, it generally takes between 2 to 5 weeks (depending on the type of video you are looking to create). Sometimes, it can be shorter. Sometimes, it can be longer
When you get us on board, you’re essentially hiring us to do it all for you. From concept, copy, production to post-production, we can take care of all the requirements under one roof.
Yet, our videos typically require hiring 10 – 40 specialist freelancers to assist us with content creation. So we bring on the director, camera team, sound engineers, makeup artists, and the rest of the crew along with our in-house team.